My blog moved ages ago

I have no idea why I keep seeing this old blog popping up but you will find me at

Plastic bottles everywhere

Lat year before we moved offices I worked in lovely leafy Linthorpe.  Each morning when I got off the bus at my stop I would see plastic bottles that had been thrown under the hedge and in the gutter.  What a waste of a wonderful resource as there are so many pretty things that you could make with them.  All you need is a little bit of imagination and a pair of scissors.  I even phoned the school one day to ask them to collect a bright green bottle fom playing field and keep it for me.  I have run many workshops in the school and they were excited to see what I wanted the green bottle for.  As you can see they make lovely flowers. Then you can get all creative and turn them into jewellry.  I have made many brooches from old shampoo bottles and they make lovely gifts for Mothers Day or other speicail occasions.  Brooch backs can be bought very cheaply.

Eco Arty Clarty is born

Hi everyone. My name is Cherie and I think it is about time I shared with you all some of the crafts that children and staff in Middlesbrough schools have enjoyed with me.  It is a fabulous way to reduce the amount of waste that we send to landfill sites. If you are working towards an Eco Schools award then please feel free to use any of my ideas to create displays of work for your school. I will show you that there really is no such thing as rubbish.

I have no idea what you do with old envelopes but I make paper beads with mine.  

Last term I was workling in a local Catholic school and we made fabulous necklaces. We made beads from the pages of magazines and I showed them these crosses that I had made using old envelopes from my birthday cards.  The little flowers on the crosses are ones I punched from pepsi cans using my paper crafting punches.
